WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  7/16/09
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: alex c.
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: alex c. SIGNED ON at 8:59 PM (7/16/09)
--- 9:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
bricks winterspring
angels of epistemology carmen miranda at least
portastatic starter
3ds hey seuss
bricks the girl with the carrot skin mrg005
archers of loaf what did you expect mrg053
superchunk what do I mrg004
seam look back in anger mrg019
mad scene choose mrg077
lambchop soaky in the pooper jacks tulips - mrg070
labradford julius mrg062
pure senseless mrg013
drive like jehu bullet train to vegas mrg023
polvo vibracobra cor-crane secret - mrg022
breadwinner kisses men on the mouth on the mountain mrg010
wwax counting thoughts mrg002
coral snow mrg015
erectus monotone the day the sharks flew mrg016
superchunk ribbon mrg047
* spent halfshirt songs of drinking and rebellion - mrg078
erectus monotone baking bread mrg009
guv'ner i love the lamp spectral worship - mrg142
pipe ashtray mrg037
magnetic fields take ectasy with me oh, merge - mrg161
wedding present waiting on the guns mrg092
music tapes march of the father fists 1st imaginary symphony for nomad - mrg158
butterglory alexander bends mrg029
* east river pipe make a deal with the city shining hours in a can - mrg203
essex green lazy may the long goodbye - mrg228
the bats block of wood live at wmfu - mrg058
the rock*a*teens freedom puff golden time - mrg055
ashley stove you looked like you were having fun new scars - mrg153
* the spinanes hawaiian baby the imp years - mrg160
the rosebuds the lovers' rights birds make great neighbors - mrg264
portastatic chesapeake the summer of the shark - mrg225
destroyer watercolours into the ocean destroyer rubies - mrg268
beatnik filmstars hep boys in hospital - mrg125
superchunk precision auto (remix) mrg050
polvo batradar this eclipse - mrg095
camera obscura teenager underachievers please try harder - mrg239
the clean stars getaway - mrg188
spoon jealousy loveways - mrg191
spent corvette summer old enough to know better: 15 years of merge - mrg250
the clientele house on fire the violet hour - mrg217
spaceheads angel station angel station - mrg157
magnetic fields long-forgotten fairytale 69 love songs vol.2 - mrg167
ganger cats,dogs, and babies jaws hammock style - mrg147
END OF SHOW: alex c. SIGNED OFF at 12:01 AM (7/17/09)