WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  12/13/09
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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START OF SHOW: Emma SIGNED ON at 12:59 PM (12/13/09)
--- 1:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
art shryer's orchestra dem rebens tanz (the rabbi's dance) Klezmer pioneers: european and american recordings 1905-52 rounder
art shryer's yiddish orchestra zapfenstreich (revery dream) - jewish phantasy Klezmer pioneers
aaron lebedeff with alexander olshanetsky's orchestra what can you mach? S'is America. yiddish american klezmer music 1925-56
sam musiker and his orchestra a hemisher bulgar (a homey bulgar) Klezmer pioneers
lou lockett's orchestra good luck yiddish american klezmer music 1925-56
molly picon ihr megt gleybn oder neyn (you can believe it or not) from avenue a to the great white way
kandel's orchestra die chasidim forren tsum rebbin (the chasidim visit the rabbi) klezmer pioneers
sam medoff and the yiddish swingtette dayenu yiddish american klezmer music 1925-56
alexander olshanetsky und zein orkester ein kik af dir (one glance at you) klezmer pioneers
joseph shapiro b'rosh hashono mysteries of the sabbath: classica cantorial recordings: 1907-47
yiddish swingtette oriental hora yiddish american klezmer music 1925-56
jopseph moskowitz flora hora the art of the cymbalon
the pincus sisters milady frozen fruit products commercial music from the yiddish radio project
a yid bin ich geboiren michi michalesco with alexander olshanetsky orchestra yiddish american klezmer music
seymour rectzeit and sam medoff surrey mitn fring afn top, oy s'lz a sheyne fremorgn music from the yiddish radio project
abe ellstein orchestra second avenue square dance yiddish american klezmer music
orrin hatch hanukkah song sorry everbody i had to play this
alexander olshanetsky orchestra mazel in liebe yiddish american klezmer music
END OF SHOW: Emma SIGNED OFF at 2:06 PM (12/13/09)