WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  4/7/15
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: megan o
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: megan o SIGNED ON at 5:02 PM (4/7/15)
--- 5:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
izititiz naked man with our with jazz sound@one
* moloch ubgrund (??) meines wesenz Die Isolation DESIRE
the tilburg byzantine choir trisagion no. 42 chants from the liturgy of st. john chrysostom according to the slavonic-byzantine rite philips
* ??? their devotion is choreographed across the lands Devotional Music for Invisible Cities DRAMATIC RECORDS
fenn o'berg christian rocks in hell editions mego
homer quincy smith go down moses american primitive vol. II: pre-war revenants (1897-1939) revenant
* ryley walker on the banks of the old kishwaukee Primrose Green DEAD OCEANS
jace clayton gay guerilla: part IV the julius eastman memory depot new amsterdam records
* ezFeger PIN_0 Comparator EP GROVL TAPES
* various morning exercise in the coded ether Radio Vietnam SUBLIME FREQUENCIES
dellie norton young emily sodom laurel album: appalachian ballads from madison county, north carolina center for documentary studies at duke university
don grolnick hearts and numbers hearts and numbers HIPPOCKET
--- 6:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
ELIANE RADIGUE ETUDE opus 17 alga marghen
* jeff cowell we all know Lucky Strikes and Liquid Gold NUMERO GROUP
the feeling of love mechanical lamb ok judge revival kill shaman
* levon vincent woman is an angel (????) S/T NOVEL SOUNDS
cs yeh rooms on fire transitions de stijl
* tolerance osteo-tomy Anonym no label
mass ornament the earth will outlive us saturn eye digitalis
lijadu sisters orere-elejibo afro-beat soul sisters: the lijadu sisters at afrodisia, nigeria 1976-79 soul jazz
equation i'll say a prayer 4 u the nu groove years 1988-1992 rush hour
* barry guy fizzle v Five Fizzles For Samuel Beckett NOBUSINESS
hiiragi fukida trochos seacide sloow tapes
dezurik sisters i left her standing there flowers in the wildwood: women in early country music 1923-1939 trikont
mamiffer / circle vessel full of worms enharmonic intervals sige
* dsr-lines 6/5 III-II ULTRA ECZEMA
END OF SHOW: megan o SIGNED OFF at 6:58 PM (4/7/15)