WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  10/8/15
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: keesh lorraine
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: keesh lorraine SIGNED ON at 10:01 AM (10/8/15)
--- 10:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
the radio dept where damage isn't already done lesser matters shelflife
* Silent Lunch one thing S/T (self-released)
girls oh so protective one broken dreams club true panther sounds
yo la tengo all your secrets stuff like that there matador
* Gashrat stupid Downs HOT RELEASES
* Sponge Bath building Mainsprings of My Desire NEW BODY TAPES
solomon islands love song piece and ho'osia ritual the sounds of bamboo: instrumental music of the 'are'arepeople of malaita multicultural media
* Lau Nau genesis HEM. Någonstans FONAL
FM3 and Dou Wei track 3 hou guan yin lona
grouper moon is sharp AIA: Alien Observer
* Grape Room online dwarf Carton Land FEEDING TUBE
* natural snow buildings dawn on a buck skin terror's horns
* Dan Melchior and Russell Walker middle class flannel In Durham KILL SHAMAN
--- 11:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
* V/A Max Eastley / Logos Ensemble (excerpt) Another Evening At Logos 1974 79 81 LOGOS/SUB ROSA
v/a yil'ab choubi (play choubi on my wounds) Choubi Choubi! Vol. 2: Folk & Pop Sounds from Iraq sublime frequencies
* Julia Holter how long? Have You In My Wilderness DOMINO
death cab for cutie why you'd want to live here the photo album
* Palberta superstore Shitheads in the Ditch FEEDING TUBE
* Jean Guerin triptik 2 Tacet SOUFFLE CONTINU
laura gibson and ethan rose boreas borealis bridge carols holocene music
* Qwanqwa tezeta Volume 2 FPE
destroyer times square poison season merge
* Dialect waterfront epiphany Gowanus Drifts 1080p
* Emptyset signal 1 Signal SUBTEXT
--- 12:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: keesh lorraine SIGNED OFF at 12:06 PM (10/8/15)