WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  5/27/06
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
--- 3:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
pharoah sanders thembi
* Coup the stand Pick a Bigger Weapon EPITAPH
* Frick the Cat/Fuzzy Wuz She frick it El Gato/Frick It 7" ABATON BOOK COMPANY
luna lovedust
* Essex Green cardinal points Cannibal Sea MERGE
pole hafen
* Aki Tsuyuko owlet hymn Hokane THRILL JOCKEY
solex honey (amsterdam is not l.a.!)
* Jeff Gauthier Goatette water torture One and the Same CRYPTOGRAMOPHONE
* Volcano the Bear my favorite tongues Classic Erasmus Fusion Beta-Lactam Ring
--- 4:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
konono #1 T.P. Couleur Café
* About nogato Bongo COCK ROCK DISCO
rainer truby trio donaueschingen Kruder & Dorfmeister Sessions
* the soulsetters Cecil, The Unwanted French Fry The Soul Side of the Streets BACCHUS/DIONYSUS
gary wright dreamweaver
parliament up for the down stroke
* Dabrye air "Air" 12" GHOSTLY INTERNATIONAL
christine kittrell i'm just what you're looking for across the tracks vol 1
* Lambchop ovary eyes The Decline of Country and Western Civilization Part II: The Woodwind Years MERGE
rolling stones dead flowers sticky fingers
john coltrane sun ship
* Wilderness beautiful alarms Vessel States JAGJAGUWAR
talking heads memories can't wait fear of music
--- 5:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Takagi Masakatsu birdland Journal for People CARPARK
barbara manning these days
dr. victor olaiya's international all stars omelebele Afro Baby: The Evolution of the Afro-Sound in Nigeria 1970-1979
stefan grossman memphis jellyroll bottleneck blues
* I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness at last is all Fear is On Our Side SECRETLY CANADIAN
* Hotel Motel nuts to you Your Ass Is Grass So Pass the Peas Please EP (self-released)
mission of burma wounded world
* Coldcut boogieman Sound Mirrors NINJA TUNE
jeff milligan the problem with strakova do you copy?
Alemayehu Eshete telantena zare ethiopiques 9
kool keith livin' astro
the meters the world is a little bit under the weather
bo diddley who do you love?