WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  6/5/16
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
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START OF SHOW: Orange County Special, Dave Swarbrick Celebratory Edition SIGNED ON at 11:00 AM (6/5/16)
--- 11:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
dave swarbrick nathaniel gow's lament on the occasion of the death of his brother / rory of the hills flittin' spindrift
fairport convention the bonny bunch of roses the bonny bunch of roses vertigo
dave swarbrick with martin carthy & diz disley the salamanca medley rags, reels & airs
martin carthy & dave swarbrick prince heathen prince heathen topic
fairport convention banks of the sweet primroses house full - live at the LA troubadour island
fairport convention she moves through the fair (live at the LA troubadour 1974) rising for the moon (deluxe ed)
fairport convention crazy man michael leige and lief island
dave swarbrick medley: crazy man michael / to althea from prison / white dress / rosie english fiddler - swarbrick plays swarbrick
fairport convention to althea from prison nine island
fairport convention furs and feathers rosie island
--- 12:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
fairport convention poor will and the jolly hangman full house island
beryl marriot ceilidh band the hag with the money / sleepy maggie dave swarbrick's 50th birthday concert cooking vinyl
fairport convention the hexhamshire lass nine island
fairport convention sir patrick spens full house island
dave swarbrick with martin carthy & diz disley the hens march to the middens rags, reels & airs
fairport convention flowers of the forest full house island
martin carthy & dave swarbrick byker hill life and limb green linnet
swarbrick sheebeg and shemore live at jacksons lane gadfly records
fairport convention white dress (wr. mctell/swarbrick) rising for the moon (deluxe ed) island
fairport convention a sailor's life unhalfbricking island
fairport convention sickness and diseases angel delight island
fairport convention come all ye leige and lief island
fairport convention farewell farewell leige and lief island
END OF SHOW: Orange County Special, Dave Swarbrick Celebratory Edition SIGNED OFF at 1:00 PM (6/5/16)