WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  2/3/19
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
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Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: orange county special w/jane SIGNED ON at 11:03 AM (2/3/19)
--- 11:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
deben bhattacharya saban akdao - cittetelli (gazel) paris to calcutta: men and music on the desert road sublime frequencies
the horses of the gods john barleycorn john barleycorn reborn: dark britannica cold spring
* lal & mike waterson winifer odd bright phoebus domino
the tsinandali choir kakhuri mravaljamieri table songs of georgia real world
warde ford aldre batan (child no. 250) classic english and scottish ballads from smithsonian folkways smithsonian folkways
albion country band new st george / la rotta battle of the field bgo
the watersons fare thee well, cold winter green fields topic
nefesh mountain wild mountain thyme (w/ jerry douglas, tony trischka & sam bush) beneath the open sky self released
dolly parton cash on the barrelhead the grass is blue sugar hill
ali farka toure & toumani diabate kala in the heart of the moon
Sweet Honey in the Rock sojurner's battle hymn still on the journey Earthbeat!
odetta god's gonna cut you down odetta sings the blues pepper cake
sharde thomas shimmie what do i do? self released
rory gallagher she moved thro' the fair / ann cran ull (w/ bert jansch) wheels within wheels universal
--- 12:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
swap montreal / malungspolska [sic] northside
cunning folk robin hood and the pedlar constant companion dharma records
nic jones canadee-i-o penguin eggs topic
the wainwright sisters long lankin songs in the dark [PIAS]
carole pegg & radik tulush the roving gypsy / gypsy harris' tune goshawk 7-star records
sam sweeney the shell that shook the billet the unfinished violin island
uncle earl streak o' lean, streak o' fat waterloo tennessee rounder
glenn jones even the snout and the tail the giant who ate himself thrill jockey
jimmie dale gilmore deep eddy blues don't look for a heartache hightone
mountain man bright morning stars magic ship nonesuch
the latvian women's choir blow, wind, blow dzintars, songs of amber rykodisc
kim lowings and the greenwood dark eyed sailor historia greenwood records
boban markovic orkestar sat [time] balkan brass fest piranha
tiger moth the seven stars mothballs omnium
wilson & swarbrick eppie moray kailyard tales wheel records
END OF SHOW: orange county special w/jane SIGNED OFF at 1:06 PM (2/3/19)