WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  6/14/19
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Weekly View
  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: DJLO
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: DJLO SIGNED ON at 6:00 PM (6/14/19)
--- 6:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Bambounou Temple --> Towr ---> Seize-Sept Whities 021 WHITIES
Dvorak Mvmnt IV Allegro con fuoco New World Symphony RCA Records
J.S. Bach Preludium in E Major Violin Partita in E major CBS
* Various Artists with soft fit mdo & friends C MINUS
Mendelssohn Allegro Molto Appasionato Violin converto in E minor Deutsche Gramaphon
* Saure Adler Polka Dub Polnische Kassette Aumega Project
Ralph Vaughan Williams Symphony No. 4 in F Minor Allegro Angel
--- 7:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Happy Family Big Ass on Fire Lucky Dutch East India Trading
* Vic Bang Arp Blop Abyss
* Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones Eat the Rich From Untruth NORTHERN-SPY
Hector Berlioz 3rd Mvmnt Scene aux Champs Symphony Fantastique London
* Hugh Marsh I Laid Down in the Snow Violinvocations WESTERN VINYL
* Tapper Zukie Revolution Black Man KINGSTON SOUNDS
Buena Vista Social Club Pueblo Nuevo Buena Vista Social Club Nonesuch
Brahms Mvmnt 1 Allegro non Troppo Violin Concerto in D Major RCA
--- 8:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Oliver Coates Sky With Endless Stars John Luther Adams' Canticles Of The Sky/Three High Places RVNG INTL.
Ondatropica La Naranja Madura Baile Bucanero Soundway
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart First Mvmnt Molto Allegro Symphony 40 Allegro
Methyl Ethel (L) All the Elements Triage 4AD
Enesco Romanian Rhapsody 1 Romanian Rhapsodies 1 & 2 stereo
* Rae and the Ragdolls Moonshine "And She Sang..." self-released
* Vanessa Rossetto The Dirt you & i are earth TONE GLOW
Terry Riley Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band A Rainbow in Curved Air Columbia
--- 9:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: DJLO SIGNED OFF at 9:00 PM (6/14/19)