WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  12/3/20
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: djj
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: djj SIGNED ON at 8:06 PM (12/3/20)
--- 8:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Linja In the darkness of the sleeping streets Velvet Noise Malka Tuti
Peggy Gou Maktoop Seek For Maktoop Technicolour
* Sau Poler Bloom Blooms Mule Musiq
Faust Jennifer Faust IV Virgin Records
* Bill Callahan Another Song Gold Record Drag City
John Cale Half Past France Paris 1919 Domino
* Yves Jarvis Notch In Your Belt Sundry Rock Song Stock Anti-
Karen Dalton Something On Your Mind In My Own Time Light In The Attic
[H?] Duck Baker Chicken Ain't Nothin' But A Bird Plymouth Rock: Unreleased & Rare Recordings (1973-1979) Tompkins Square
* numun Mission Loss Voyage au Soleil Musique Impossible
--- 9:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: djj SIGNED OFF at 9:00 PM (12/3/20)