WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  2/20/25
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: DJ Blue Dog + Xx_Coolsocc3r(101)_xx
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: DJ Blue Dog + Xx_Coolsocc3r(101)_xx SIGNED ON at 3:35 PM (2/20/25)
King Krule Flimsier Space Heavy Matador/XL
* princess520 Wait Beautiful Girls Always So Sad self-released
Black Midi 27 Questions Hellfire Rough Trade
* Roge curyman Curyman II Diamond West Records
--- 12:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Prince Philip Zion City Dubplates and Raw Rhythm From King Tubby's Studio 1973-1976 DKR
* Prince Jazzbo & Mad Cobra fresh fresh dub Goldmine (Dubbed Out by Prince Jazzbo) Death Is Not The End
Maudlin Career french navy Camera Obscura 4ad
nonchalant ft.rampage Main Nonchalanat ft.Rampage MCA
Yesterday's New Quintet Paladium Angleswithoutedges Stones Throw
* Damon Locks Isn't it beautiful List of Demands International Anthem
broadcast pendulum Haha Sound warp records
Weyes Blood Titanic Rising A Lot's Gonna Change Sub Pop Records
Sing-Sing tegan the joy of sing-sing Aerial Records
love, Kristina Hard day yesterday Kristina Olsen Philo Records
House and Land Two Sisters Across The Field Thrill Jockey
* Anadol & Marie Klock Sonate Au Jambon La grande accumulation Pingipung
la femme paris-Hawaii Paris-Hawaii Born Bad Records
--- 1:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Nidia & Valentina Tutta la notte Estradas Latency
Stereolab sadistic Refried Ectoplasm Duophonic UHF Disks
* Peace De Resistance Lullaby for the Debris Lullaby for the Debris La Vida Es Un Mus
The Orb toxygene [ganja kru remix] orbscure trax island records
bruce haack stand up lazarus the electric voice stones throw
* X-Cetra idiotic Summer 2000 Numero Group
V/A Swoosh emerging bands made in japan 2000 Big Fish Network
* Caxtrinho Desastre na Pista Queda Livre QTV Salo
Hailu Mergia & Dahlak Band Anchin Kfu Ayinkash Wede Harer Guzo Awesome Tapes From Africa
* Litto Nebbia Despertemos en America Canciones que no quieren morir Vampi Soul
* Fiona Apple i want you to love me Fetch The Bolt Cutters Clean Slate
* PJ Harvey We Float Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea Island Records
--- 2:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
Songs:Ohia The black Crow the Lioness Secretly Canadian
END OF SHOW: DJ Blue Dog + Xx_Coolsocc3r(101)_xx SIGNED OFF at 6:10 PM (2/20/25)