WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  3/1/25
12:00 AM - 3:00 AM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: uumi
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: uumi SIGNED ON at 12:02 AM (3/1/25)
Diplo Express Yourself feat. Nicky B Express Yourself Mad Decent
* NAIL CLUB Figurative Normal Prima Facie Optik Muzak
Instrumental Music of the Are'are People of Malaita Love Song Piece and Ho'osia Ritual The Solomon Islands: Sounds of Bamboo Multicultural Media
* Maple Fyshh Love Gone to the Blue Sea (Once Again on the Seaside Path) You Are Leaving My Mind: The "Mariko" and "Dokitto Station!!" Era EM Records
(Ohran Koletski) The Ridge Mason - Remixed Animal Language
* Izumi Kobayashi Coffee Rumba Choice Cuts 1978-1983 Time Capsule
Pat Metheny Group The Epic American Garage Warner Bros.
Colette The Pure and Impure
* Hildegard Bach in Town Jour 1596 Chivi Chivi
* Thorn Wych Anoro knows Aesthesis Hood Faire
--- 1:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
* Blown Fruit Dub Squad Virtual Dreams II: Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, Japan 1993-1999 Music from Memory
Ravi Shankar Bounty Full Crops Genesis Milan
* Weirs and Magic Tuber Stringband Tunnel The Crozet Tunnel Notice Recordings
Orquesta de las Nubes Tiempo de espera The Order of Change Music From Memory
* Dennis Bovell Crying Sufferer Sounds Disciples
Anysia Kym Test Your Patience Truest 10k
* Artificial Go On Off Hopscotch Fever Feel It/Future Shock
SEAL Killer SEAL ZTT Records
* Annea Lockwood World Rhythms New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media Blume
Dijon Big Mike's Absolutely Warner Bros.
--- 2:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
* Dawuna Miss Thang Naya Sun Royalle
Nashaz Hijaz Nashaz S/T Ziiryab Records
Colette The Pure and Impure
* Lechuga Zafiro Botellharpa desde los oidos de un sapo TraTraTrax
Egisto Macchi Muschi Biologia Animale e Vegetale Cinedelic Records
* Anadol & Marie Klock La Reine Des Bordels La grande accumulation Pingipung
Mount Florida A Tribute to Muslimgauze Stealth Matador Records
* Vodohrai Rememberance Even the Forest Hums: Ukranian Sonic Archives 1971-1996 Light in the Attic Records
Pendulabellum red shoes Pendulabellum Legpress
* Esa A Muto (Dubstrumental Mix) A Muto Isle of Jura
END OF SHOW: uumi SIGNED OFF at 2:57 AM (3/1/25)