WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  3/2/25
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: dj barely there SIGNED ON at 5:03 PM (3/2/25)
Maze Changing Times Joy & Pain
Teengirl Fantasy Mist of Time ft. Laurel Halo Tracer R&S
Lin Que Let it Fall Let it Fall
Esthero ft. Goodie Mob The World I Know (Country Livin' Version) Slam:The Soundtrack
* Maydie Myles Keep On Luvin' DJ Kicks: Honey Dijon !K7
Maxwell Know These Things (Shouldn't You) Embrya
* Lifted Pasters Trellis Peak Oil
Nubya Garcia Pace (Moses Boyd Remix)
Tori Amos Spark From the Choirgirl Hotel
* DB At The Controls Crying Sufferer Sounds Disciples
Thabza Tee, Njelic Down the Drain
Mari Kimura Subharmonic Partita The World Below G And Beyond mutable music
Olof Dreijer Camelia Rosa Rugosa EP
* Etran de L'Air Erikimidwane 100% Sahara Guitar Sahel Sounds
Itamar Assumpcao Luzia Beleleu, eu, eu
* Yasmin Williams Harvest Acadia Nonesuch Records
--- 6:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
Searows House Song House Song
Maxwell I'm You: You are Me and We Are You Embrya
El Blanco Nino you will see Inky breaks breakeven productions
Singers and Players Holy Scripture Vacuum Pumping
Richard Fearless Metal Dub (DJ Richard remix) Luke Hess & DJ Richard Remixes
* Vernal Scuzz Cat Bit Lip Vernal Scuzz Sweet Wreath
Doug Hream Blunt Gentle Persuasion
* Ben I See A World I See A World Athens of the North
Morlenbaum / Sakamoto Coracao Vagabundo a day in new york
* Lechuga Zafiro Bottelharpo desde los oidos de un sapo TraTraTrax
* Etelin Picnic at Gas Station Park Patio User Manual Beacon Sound
Tems Hold On Born in the Wild
* Ezra Collective The Herald Dance, No One's Watching Partisan Records
Markolino Dimond Brujeria Brujeria
Adina Howard My Up and Down I Need a Freak
--- 7:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: dj barely there SIGNED OFF at 7:07 PM (3/2/25)