WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  3/6/25
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: Xx_CoolSocc3r101_xX
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: Xx_CoolSocc3r101_xX SIGNED ON at 5:33 AM (3/6/25)
mikroknytes saints_on_voya mikromusic Crank Automotive
Panthu Du Prince Lions Love The Triad (2016) Rough Trade
Oval ca Popp UOVOOO
Oval fu Popp UOVOOO
--- 6:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
Gigi Masin She Wears Shades Talk to the Sea Music From Memory
Lou Harrison Serenade for Betty Freeman and Franco Assettto Chamber and Gamelan Works New World Records
* dub squad Blown Fruit Virtual Dreams II: Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, Japan 1993-1999 Music from Memory
* DJ T-1000 Marina Progress Tresor Records
* Sussan Deyhim & Richard Horowitz Smelting Loops 2 The Invisible Road: Original Recordings, 1985-1990 Freedom To Spend
* Little Chair Say Goodbye For Now Ladybug Cat Beekeeper Tapes & Discs
* Esa Original Mix A Muto Isle of Jura
Bruce Haack Just a Song at Twilight Electric Lucifer Book II Telephone Records
Mike Wexler The Trance Dispossession
--- 7:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
* princess520 wait Beautiful Girls Always So Sad self-released
The Hunger Saints Leave me Alone Gut Records
* eat-girls unison Area Silenzio Bureau B
* Les Rallizes Dénudés The Last One_1980 YaneUra Sept. '80 Temporal Drift
* o'summer vacation Anti Christ Super Star Electronic Eye Alien Transistor
Camera Obscura Liberty Print look to the east, look to the west Merge Records
Velvet Negroni poster child neon brow 4ad
* Alec Lomami Banga Nzambe (Version 3) BANGA NZAMBE EP Immaculate Taste
Luka Productions Furu Boyan Fasokan Sahel Sounds
Illiterate Beach never stops NO Polyester Please beach family music
* Maple Fyshh you are leaving my mind You Are Leaving My Mind: The "Mariko" and "Dokitto Station!!" Era EM Records
* Maple Fyshh You are the Other Reality and I am This Reality (Okay, Okay, No More Scary Faces) You Are Leaving My Mind: The "Mariko" and "Dokitto Station!!" Era EM Records
Johnny Cash Bury Me Not On The Lone Praire johnny cash sings the ballads of the true west southwind music
* Anadol & Marie Klock Sirop Amer (La Goule) La grande accumulation Pingipung
--- 8:00 AM BREAKPOINT ---
bele and sebastian get me away from here, im dying if you're feeling sinister matador records
* Dizzy K who's the other guy? Sweet Music Volume II Sticky Buttons
END OF SHOW: Xx_CoolSocc3r101_xX SIGNED OFF at 10:01 AM (3/6/25)