WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  3/8/25
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: DJ xGalahadx
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: DJ xGalahadx SIGNED ON at 9:06 PM (3/8/25)
* Scott Richmond & John Selway present Psychedelic Research Lab Keep on Climbin' DJ Kicks: Honey Dijon !K7
Crowbar Obedience Thru Suffering Obedience Thru Suffering Grind Core International
Crowbar Vacuum Obedience Thru Suffering Grind Core International
* Deftones My Own Summer (Shove It) Around the Fur Maverick
Quicksand Fazer Slip Polygram
* TV Buddha Hudson to China 10,000 Buddhas Hallogallo Tapes
Reptile House Evil Iron Any Day Now Listen to the Powersoul Merkin Music
* Alec Lomami Banga Nzambe (Version 3) BANGA NZAMBE EP Immaculate Taste
* Dlala Thukzin Hlala Nami Finally Famous Too Dlala Records
* DJ Lycox 5 Guetto Star Principe
Analogue II nails dont keep him on the cross: love do Oh Perfect Masters
--- 10:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Good Sad Happy Bad Shaded Tree All kinds of days Textile Records
The Universal Congress of the Eleventh Hour Shine-On Gaetasaurus ST Enemy
Paul Horn & Nexus Somba S/T CBS
* Peace de Resistance Lullaby for the Debris Lullaby for the Debris La Vida Es Un Mus
Spiral Jetty Dont Walk Away Band of Gold Brake Out Records
* The Dub Band Dub Land Sufferer Sounds Disciples
* Prince Philip Riding on a High and Windy Day Dubplates and Raw Rhythm From King Tubby's Studio 1973-1976 DKR
Murder 1 White Horse Trail On High The Music Cartel
Trapped Under Ice World I Hate Secrets of the World Reaper
The Metal Boys Tokyo Airport Tokyo Airport Seventeen
* Tomin Humility in the Light of the Creator A Willed and Conscious Balance International Anthem
Nails Suum Cuique Abandon All Life Southern Lord
Scorn Hit Vae Solis Earache
Trivium Unrepentant The Crusade Roadrunner
--- 11:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: DJ xGalahadx SIGNED OFF at 11:08 PM (3/8/25)