WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  2/28/25
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: dj mothership
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: dj mothership SIGNED ON at 5:06 PM (2/28/25)
daft punk around the world homework virgin records
* dennis bovell suffrah dub Sufferer Sounds Disciples
lio nem eu-> valera a pena lio canta caymmi crammed discs
* roland haynes jr and phenix whats going on Live at the Quarter Moon Athens of the North
V/A hat mung xuan saigon super sound vol 1 infracom
ondatropica de mar a mar baile bucanero soundway
* prince jazzbo and mad cobra tease you dub Goldmine (Dubbed Out by Prince Jazzbo) Death Is Not The End
* kim deal coast Nobody Loves You More 4AD
* tv buddha hudson to china 10,000 Buddhas Hallogallo Tapes
yeule anthems for a 17 year old girl I Saw The TV Glow OST a24 music
--- 6:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
the giant mums uncle wiggly cleaned out self-released
* prince phillip sit and cry-> iron bird Dubplates and Raw Rhythm From King Tubby's Studio 1973-1976 DKR
* lifted specials Trellis Peak Oil
maxine and cleo a1 celestial frame of mind going home
* dummy opaline bubbletear-> blue dada Free Energy Trouble In Mind Records
mahlatin and the mahotella queens stick to your roots rhythm and art Shanachie Records
* na hawa doumbia jigi yiri Vol. 2 Awesome Tapes From Africa
odetta muleskinner blues-> another man done gone odetta sings ballads and blues Tradition Records
--- 7:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* wyatt ellis memories of you Winds of Rowan County Knee High Records
END OF SHOW: dj mothership SIGNED OFF at 7:03 PM (2/28/25)