WXYC 89.3 FM  << Previous Show  2/28/25
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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  Next Show >>     Disc Jockey: DJ Soapy
Playlist Req. Artist Song Release Label
START OF SHOW: DJ Soapy SIGNED ON at 7:05 PM (2/28/25)
Aphex Twin Xtal Selected Ambient Works 85-92 distance
* Etran de L'Air Indode 100% Sahara Guitar Sahel Sounds
Helena Deland Strawberry Moon Goodnight Summerland Chivi Chivi
* Midnight Blue Feel it and Groove Together One Wish - South Carolina 1975-83 Still Music
Black Merlin Sepeda Kumbang Hipnotik Tradisi Island of the Gods
* Dummy Psychic Battery Free Energy Trouble In Mind Records
Datassette Hands + faces Selected Offal Shipwrec
* Laurie Spiegel Appalachian Grove I New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media Blume
Tosca Chocolate Elvis Abstract Vibes Quango
* TV Buddha Hudson to China 10,000 Buddhas Hallogallo Tapes
Desire If I Can't Hold You Desire self-released
--- 8:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
* Lechuga Zafiro Botellharpa desde los oidos de un sapo TraTraTrax
Dub Syndicate Dubbing Is A Must The Rasta Far I Collision: Cause Of Chapter 3
* Lifted Pasters Trellis Peak Oil
Hallelujah Chicken Run Band Gore Iro Take One Analog Africa
* MISSILE STRATEGY Missile Strategy MISSILE STRATEGY Upset Condition
Scientist Beam Me Up Dubby Scientist Dubs Culture into a Parallel Universe (feat. Culture) RAS Records
* Ben I See A World I See A World Athens of the North
Tony Tuff Stronger Say Something Minor7Flat5
Tony Tuff Just A Minute Say Something Minor7Flat5
* Les Rallizes Dénudés The Night, Assassin's Night YaneUra Sept. '80 Temporal Drift
--- 9:00 PM BREAKPOINT ---
END OF SHOW: DJ Soapy SIGNED OFF at 9:01 PM (2/28/25)